To hit a high-lofted club in a bunker, you'll want to take the following steps:
Open the clubface: Open the clubface by turning the handle to the right if you are right-handed and to the left if you are left-handed. This will ensure that the clubface makes contact with the ball first, instead of the sand.
Pick a spot in the sand: Choose a spot in the sand about a half inch behind the ball. This will be your reference point for the backswing.
Address the ball: Stand with your feet close together, align your body parallel to the target line and take your grip.
Swing: Keep the clubhead low to the ground and make a smooth backswing. On the downswing, hit the sand behind the ball, splashing sand into the air, which should carry the ball out of the bunker and onto the green.
Finish: Follow through and finish your swing high and balanced.
Remember, the key to success in a bunker shot is to have a smooth swing and to allow the sand to do most of the work. Good luck!
One more tip, try using a 69 Degree Wedge that has a versatile enough face to be used near the green or in a bunker.